Position: PhD Student
School and/or Centres: School of Sociology
Email: inga.koralewska@anu.edu.au
Location: Level 4, RSSS Building, 146 Ellery Crescent
Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Inga-Koralewska
Inga has a Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in Sociology and Philosophy. She completed her master’s degree in the Institute of Sociology at Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland). Her doctoral thesis explores how agency and resistance are enacted through abortion practices in Poland.
Gender, sexuality, and reproduction
Qualitative research
Feminist theory
Social change and movement
Inga Koralewska, Katarzyna Zielińska (2021) “‘Defending the unborn’, ‘protecting women’ and ‘preserving culture and nation’: anti-abortion discourse in the Polish right-wing press”, Culture, Health & Sexuality, DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2021.1878559
Inga Koralewska (2020) ‘The sociology of abortion: representing abortion in the contemporary discourse of social sciences’ (in Polish). Polish Qualitative Review, XVI (2):170-187. DOI: 10.18778/1733-8069.16.2.10
Irena Borowik, Inga Koralewska (2018) ‘Religion in the Polish abortion discourse" (in Polish). The Religious Studies Review, 2(268):199-221.
Inga Koralewska (2018) ‘Abortion as an object of discourse analysis’ (in Polish) in: Religion and contemporary challenges: perspective of social sciences, (ed.) Irena Borowik, Stella Grotowska, Piotr Stawinski. Scholar: Warsaw.
Inga Koralewska (2016) ‘Religious emancipation and perception of woman's role in a migratory situation: Polish migrants in Iceland’ (in Polish), Contributions to Humanities, 15(3):19-33. DOI: 10.7494/human.2016.15.3.19
Inga Koralewska (2016) Migration: alienating, theologising, or individualising experience?’ (in Polish), in: Mainstream and borderlands of sociological studies of religion: theoretical and methodological inquiries, (ed.) Irena Borowik, Slawomir Zareba, Wojciech Swiatkiewicz. Nomos: Krakow.